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"Good price, bad service. "

A review of Carpeteria by Peterthefun written on Sunday 22nd of September 2013


We bought a new 4 bed 3 storey town house and decided to use this shop to supply and fit all the carpets and lino for kitchen. Day one, turned up late without the correct equipment to put down grippers on a concrete floor! Day 2 never even turned up! This should have been completed by the end of day 2. Day 3 late again and put grippers down with glue then set about making a mess of the carpet fitting! Day 4 no show. We are still at this point waiting for lino and all the door plates. Day 5 turned up at about 7 pm? Put door plates on all but one door and laid the lino, WITHOUT GLUE! Now I don't pretend to be a leading expert on lino fitting but surely the club is in the title, FITTING, how can loose lino be fitted? So, after parting with our hard earned cash, have we been happy with everything? In short, NO! We are now the proud owners of ill fitting carpets, lino that, well, doesn't lie, and a missing door plate. So steer clear of this shop! .

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Map showing Carpeteria on Barlow Moor Road