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"Hygiene isnt top of their list"

A review of Spudulike by Hc written on Friday 17th of October 2014


Just ordered two spuds. After taking our payment the young man went to prepare them, without washing his hands, sanitising or putting gloves on (gloves would be the obvious choice). He was touching my spud while cutting it. The manager was there but wasn't paying attention. I mentioned it to her and she said 'we are supposed to sanitise.' I explained that I hadn't seen him sanitise and she asked if I would like him to prepare a new lot. ERM what sort of question is that? Of course I wanted new lots! She took him out the back. He came out and picked up the sanitiser but he ddidn't use it properly. He didn't rub between his fingers or his finger tips. Never ever again! .

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