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Worsley Brow

Worsley Brow is a place in North West Manchester with a small number of businesses.

Worsley Brow also has the following useful amenity: a pub - The John Gilbert.


Novotel Hotel

Novotel Hotel is a hotel offering accommodation and other facilities for visitors to the area.

Address: Worsley Brow, Worsley, Manchester, Lancashire, M28 2YA

St Mark's Church

St Mark's Church is a church where people in the local community gather for Christian services.

Address: Worsley Brow, Worsley, Manchester, Lancashire, M28 2YA

The John Gilbert

The John Gilbert is a friendly pub where customers can enjoy drinks and food in a relaxed setting.

Address: Worsley Brow, Worsley, Manchester, Lancashire, M28 2YA

Reviews of Establishments on Worsley Brow

Find out what people are saying about places on Worsley Brow.

Brilliant Boxing Day - review of The John Gilbert by Sammy

I visited this pub on Boxing Day night, with some of my mates. We nearly went elsewhere when we found out that they charged admission, but we were glad we didn't go elsewhere... More »


Map showing Worsley Brow in Manchester.