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"No respect for elderly "

A review of Ann Street Health Centre by Mrs Brenda Aldcroft. written on Friday 24th of November 2017


My auntie attended surgery for a leg dressing she was 20 mins late due to the fact she had an appointment at millgate surgery anticoagulant clinic before as this clinic was running late consequently it made my auntie late for her appt at ann st only to be told by receptionist she would have to make another appt my auntie explained it was not her fault the receptionist offered her appt the next day but my auntie was going away and could not attend the next day and has to have her leg re -dressing only to be told by the receptionist well you will have to go to A/E then unbelievable! a health professional making such a remark when knowing how stretched A/E are apart from my elderly auntie who by the way is 87yes old sitting waiting for hours which she would not have gone to A/E anywAy knowing how over stretched they are l think it is an absolute outrage our elderly people are being treated with no respect of dignity my auntie was extremely upset by the whole experience nothing more to say but absolutely furious !!!!!😡


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Ann Street Health Centre

Map showing Ann Street Health Centre on Ann Street